Bajan man killed by cop in NY

(Barbados Nation) The family of a Barbadian husband and father living in New York are about to sue that city’s police department, over the shooting death of their main breadwinner.

They claim he was killed by a trigger-happy cop who had responded to a domestic dispute over the weekend.

Hayden Blackman, a 43-year-old resident of Rochester, New York, died in the early hours last Friday, after being shot several times by police officer Randy Book the night before, according to newspaper reports in Rochester.

And his family want justice for what they consider the actions of a renegade cop.

Police say that when they arrived at Hayden’s apartment on Columbia Avenue last Thursday night, they were met by his 12-year-old stepdaughter. As the officers moved into the doorway of the building they found Blackman holding a knife near his 16-year-old stepson.