The PPP presidential hopefuls should not air their dirty laundry in public

Dear Editor,

The PPP presidential hopefuls for 2011 should not air their dirty laundry in public. Whatever their differences with the selection process are, they must be ironed out behind closed doors. To do otherwise is to damage the party and the legacy of our founding father, Dr Cheddi Jagan.

It is with increasing alarm I note that Comrades Navin Chandarpal, Moses Nagamootoo and Ralph Ramkarran are publicly voicing their opposition to the party’s time-honoured process to choose the PPP presidential candidate for the 2011 general elections. It is imperative that each of them ceases and desists from such divisive actions at once.

I have seen each of them in action since the 1970s. I have the utmost respect for them as loyal servants of the PPP, Dr Jagan and the nation. However, by publicly voicing their disagreements with the selection process they are harming the party. The party is paramount. It is there to serve the nation. It is commendable that they are aiming high and aspiring for the top job. However, they should not do so at the expense of party unity. Dr Jagan formed the party so it would be paramount, and left it for us. It is the legacy of the great man.
Differences of opinion are the essence of any organization. The key to success lies in professionally stating a position and tactfully securing support. To publicly air disagreements is to advertise that the party is divided. The hopefuls should not hurt the legacy of Dr Jagan that each of them worked so hard to establish. They should resolve their differences within the hallowed walls of Freedom House.

Furthermore, they are not helping themselves by opposing Comrade Jagdeo in public. He is well loved all across our dear land and his stature as an international statesman is beyond reproach. Furthermore, he has admirably sustained and developed the legacy of Dr Jagan.

The comrades are shooting themselves in the foot, and should stop such unprofessional conduct at once.

Whoever eventually gets the nod, rest assured, the entire party will support them.  However, if the comrades continue to air their differences publicly, they will be perceived as losers and the party will be damaged. They should use their political experience and tact to pursue their goals within Freedom House.

Yours faithfully,
Vijay P Kumar