Sewage overflow has continued for a year

Dear Editor,

We the residents of Adelaide Street, Charlestown, have been subjected to the most humiliating stench due to the overflowing of faeces and other waste from the gully for over one year. Despite visits by GWI to pump out the sewage – an exercise in futility – the overflow continues.

My next door neighbour broke my fence when I was not at home and attached his sewerage to mine, but despite several complaints to GWI nothing has been done.

There are little babies, small children and senior citizens who are subjected to this outrageous situation in the yard, as this overflow continues unabated. I am therefore calling on the authorities to make every effort in bring closure to this situation, that could escalate and cause an epidemic.

Yours faithfully,
Charles Conway

Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Mr Timothy Austin, PRO of Guyana Water Inc for any comment he might wish to make.