Will the ministers be at the government-sponsored Chutney concert to ensure patrons imbibe responsibly?

Dear Editor,

The coming weekend will see a lot different kinds of entertainment for Guyanese to keep their minds off of their problems, though one surprising implementation of the bread, circus and alcohol regime is the upcoming advertised ‘Music of the World Super Concert’ targeted at Chutney and Indian music lovers.

The Kaieteur News advertisement on Sunday has something about “The Government Big Stage” on the advertisement. It is interesting to see that Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Tourism are proud sponsors of the event along with a host of others, including the alcohol sellers (DDL – producer of the best rum for the Chutney lovers? Carib – making real men of the Chutney lovers?), who thrive in the environment of Rum ‘Til I die.

Why do taxpayers have to pay for a Chutney concert? Will the government be on stage winin’ up too?  Will Ministers Ramsammy and Manickchand join with Minister Persaud and Minister Manniram to ensure that the Chutney lovers imbibe responsible amounts of alcohol to forget their problems and thereby reduce the profits of DDL and Carib?

Would it be possible in Guyana for chutney lovers and promoters to ever reject the alcohol and start to alleviate the misery alcohol has caused in our communities?

Would it possible for the government to say no to the alcohol promotions as they do with tobacco?

Yours faithfully,
Vidyaratha Kissoon