The late Keith Elliot Moseley was a gentleman

Dear Editor,

On Saturday, July 2, a wide cross-section of folks in the Linden community turned out to pay their final respects to the late Keith Elliot Moseley who was laid to rest on that day. Keith, who grew up, lived and worked in McKenzie/Linden had a fine and remarkable personality, and was well known and admired. A sports enthusiast, he followed the history of many sports through books, magazines, television, radio and in any other way he could; he was also a cyclist, played table tennis and in the area of weightlifting/bodybuilding he had his moments and time of glory with many creditable performances.  But it was on the 6΄x12΄ green felt turf – the billiard table – that he walked tall, stood with the top-notch, etched his name and left an indelible impression in the minds of those who saw him in action.  It was this game which he played with much intensity and for which he became famous, endearing himself to billiards players, fans and club members both in Linden and across the country through the many inter-club rivalries he participated in over the years.

During his heyday his selection as a member of the Senior Supervisors’ Club team was automatic; he was a consummate player with a marked style and cool demeanour that became his trademark. Always composed he played the game effortlessly with the finesse and grace of a master craftsman.  Keith Elliot Moseley was a model personality; the type of person we can never have enough of.  Many years ago before I got to know him somewhat, I would hear persons referring to him as “Gentle Jesus,” and always wondered why, but after I got to know him better I understood. Honestly, I thought the name ‘Jesus’ was a fitting sobriquet; he had humility, there was even a kind of reverence about him to which some of his playmates – Baron, Wardie, Parkie and Ten Ten, among others – would bear witness. A longstanding, ardent and dedicated member of the Senior Supervisors’ Club, he served as its President for some time and on various committees, thus he would show up every day, almost religiously, unless something was amiss. And as is the norm with clubs, oftentimes there would be some sort of controversy or confusion over a game or some other matter, where members would become riled up and loud mouthed, giving vent at times to foul expressions, and though he would be a part of the game or in the discussion, very rarely would he become embroiled in whatever the contention was.  Never a foul expression, never!  And conversely you wouldn’t speak in such a manner to him – not even his contemporaries when speaking to him would use lewd expressions; they all knew the kind of person he was and accorded him due respect. As Sigmund Parkinson (Parkie) who had many battles with him reminded the congregation in his text that was sent from Canada: “He kept his independence, his principle in the midst of everyone else carrying on and falling the other way. He refused to be led by the mob – being in the world and not doing the things of the world, never deserting the principles by which he lived.” There is a Guyana proverb that says, it is only when strong breeze blow yuh does see fowl beauty.  Well, Keith Elliot Moseley has certainly contradicted that one; there is hardly anyone who can attest to seeing him being ruffled; even when he was annoyed you couldn’t tell, he kept his cool. It was such a strange and good feeling hearing club members and others who knew him all in one voice saying: “I never yet hear duh man cuss or use a foul word.”  He was indeed exemplary, a model character that McKenzie/Linden produced and all who had the privilege of knowing held in high esteem.  He was a gentleman, a son, a brother, a father, a sportsman, a friend, and a man of virtue. Linden has surely lost a wonderful person.

The Senior Supervisors’ Club which he served and where he spent a great deal of his leisure time should have no ifs and buts in celebrating his memory by staging a Keith Moseley Billiards Tournament.  Indeed this would be an excellent event that would surely have made him smile.

Yours faithfully,
Frank Fyffe