Can’t get phone fault rectified in Suddie

Dear Editor,
For some reason or the other, GT&T is not living up to expectations in bringing about improvements to its landline service. This continues up to now, much to the inconvenience and suffering of customers, including myself, in Region 2. This notwithstanding, the company is still demanding payment of its regular monthly rental charges for a service from which no benefit is derived. When payments are not made, customers have to face disconnection and pay a re-connection fee as well. This is very unfair to customers, for fairness demands that rental charges should only be assessed for the period when the telephone was in use.

The constant malfunctioning of the phones in this region is sickening, but because of the monopoly this situation continues, much to the detriment of customers in a ‘can’t do better‘ situation. During last week 1 made a call to 097 in the city about my phone being “dead,“ since I could not get a dial tone. The assurance was given that within three working days, technicians from within my district would rectify the fault. Far more time than this has now elapsed without any corrective measures being taken. I then visited the GT&T complaints desk at Anna Regina on Thursday, and there a female employee gave me to understand that the company was faced with transportation difficulties since it only had one vehicle. She said it would not be possible to say when the fault would be rectified but I could keep checking. My offer to hire a special  taxi to take a technician to my home at Suddie at my expense was rejected, and to add insult to injury the same employee refused to give me permission to discuss my problem with some technicians who had just entered the compound in a vehicle. I wondered why not. Are they not servants of the public? I would have been satisfied with their response whether favourable or not.

It is unacceptable for customers to face such shabby treatment and having to keep wondering when positive action would be taken.
Yours faithfully,
Baliram Persaud