Brazilian Porcupine

Porcupine (Photo by G Watkins)

The Brazilian Porcupine (Coendou prehensilis) or Porcupine is a spiny, arboreal, nocturnal creature and in the North Rupununi has been noted for having a preference for palm forests.

The Porcupine can be found in Venezuela, the Guianas, Brazil, Bolivia and Trinidad. The IUCN has listed the species of Least Concern as it is believed their populations are stable; they have a wide distribution; can be found in a number of protected areas and adjust quite well to modest moderations in their habitat – tropical forests in elevations from 150 to 1500m. As a result, localised populations may be affected by deforestation.

The Porcupine is arboreal and nocturnal. It is about 300-600 mm in length, half of which is the tail. The top is covered with thick, short spines that range in colour from white or yellow to