Enmore issues

This week we asked the residents of Enmore about issues in their community that are affecting them. Their responses are as follows.

Lenny Singh

Lenny Singh- Hope West Enmore Resident
`My main issue is proper drainage. Our drainage is not up to standard in Hope West and it needs to be addressed. Apart from that, the roads are very bad and the facilities for the children in the school compounds are in a bad condition like at the Enmore Hope Primary’.

Anand Persaud- Hope West Enmore Resident
`Our primary school is in a miserable condition. Where the children supposed to get access for sports and other activities they can’t. The school needs to be shut down and repaired properly. I am the President of the Young Guns Sports Club and this club has been totally victimized from the time it was established in 1992. This club fall apart but it used to make a big difference in the community when it comes to crime… the children drop out of school, some will not find a job right away and end up in a gang and they end up robbing and killing people, in Enmore, it’s a lot of killing happening. There are many other issues too. We need more development for the youths; we need more development where the elders could not be victimized when going for the public assistance’.

Anand Persaud

Selisha Persaud- Hope West Enmore Resident
`I have a snackette in front of my home and the NDC have been sending me notices to remove from the government reserve. Now, I have no problem removing but if I got to move then everybody else who doing it should have to move. What goes for me got to go for all. Apart from that, we have a serious garbage problem here. These people don’t pick up everybody garbage only they friends and de ordinary man like me got to try and burn or bury their garbage. The NDC vehicle passes my house straight… since they have this new body in 2009, no garbage ain’t pick up’.

Jaibharat Persaud- Hope West Enmore Resident
`We need proper drainage facilities, recreational facilities for the children within the community and more development in the area like developing a proper ground for the residents if they want to have any sporting event or fund raiser. Some of our roads are good but others were done badly. We also need more interaction between the IMC and the public so we can relate our problems and sort out our differences. We need proper accountability for the taxpayers’ money as to what they are doing with it. Most of all, we lose confidence in the IMC as of now so we are asking the Ministry to dissolve the IMC and bring back the NDC and also, we are asking that members from the APNU and the AFC be among the councillors because then it wouldn’t be a one-man

Selisha Persaud

decision or a one-party decision’.

Neil Mojum- Enmore Pasture Resident
`In my area, the drains are not being cleaned and this is causing flooding during the rainy season. They should also look into the condition of the roads. Apart from that, everybody lives well in Enmore, I have no other complaints’.

Anita Simbudyal- Blossom Scheme Enmore Resident
`Well I’m the leader of the NDC road project. As a resident I think that everybody has to be of self help. For me I understand that everything can’t be done at the same time but there are roads that need to be fixed. Other than that Enmore has everything you could think about and life here is ok’.

Girjwatie Roopnarine- Hope West Enmore Resident
`I live opposite the NDC chairman and my place doesn’t have any proper drainage. When I make complaints to the overseer, Tiwari, Nothing is done about the situation I believe there is too much favouritism. And this causes you and your neighbours to live badly. I think we need better living standards so that everybody can live better with each other.’

Jaibharat Persaud

Harnauth Bhopaul- Hope West Enmore Resident
`I’ve been living here for over thirty years and the place where I live is my parent’s grandparents’ and great grandparents’ land that they used to live on however now, every year the NDC chairman sends notice for residents including myself to vacate their  land because it’s government land. I have applied for a transport for my land but I can’t get it even though there are other persons who just came into Enmore and are getting transport. It is a very frustrating situation I think that the government needs to look into this matter so that justice can be given.’

Yvonne Rangayah- 232 Hope West Enmore Resident
`I live opposite the chairman and in my area there is no proper drainage.  As soon as there is a little rain the area floods. I don’t have a husband and I have to clean my drain myself but when I clean my part the two ends are still left and the drain is still clogged. Also because of how the road is made when it rains the water runs down and lodges in my yard. I am afraid to speak out for fear of victimization because of my political ties but right now I am looking for someone to give me some justice. I want the government to look into this matter.’

Neil Mojum

Reshma Singh- Hope West Enmore Resident
`My main concern is the dirty state of the school yard and drainage. When it rains the school floods a whole lot because the ground is low. I have three children going to the school and they get sick because of the dirty water that they have to go through when it rains. Persons in authority pass the school every day so no one has to tell them about it, so I think it’s time they did something about it.’

Reshma Singh
Yvonne Rangayah
Harnauth Bhopau
Girjwatie Roopnarine
Anita Simbudyal