The Board of Directors of the New Building Society had no opinion on the guilt or innocence of Arjoon, Vincent and Baldeo

Dear Editor,

We refer to your letter captioned ‘The NBS Board never regarded Arjoon, Vincent and Kissoon as having been involved in fraud‘ written by Mr David Yhann and published on January 27, 2012. In the letter Mr Yhann said: “At no time did the NBS Board contemplate that Maurice Arjoon, Kent Vincent or Kissoon Baldeo were criminally or otherwise involved in the fraudulent withdrawal of funds from a member’s account.“

The New Building Society Limited has asked us to state that, whatever the opinion of individual members of the Board of Directors, it had no position on the guilt or innocence of the above named. A fraud was committed against the Society and in accordance with normal practice, the police were invited to investigate.  After the matter reached the court, the Board recognised that it had no competence to pronounce on it and relied on the court to do so. The matter is now at an end.

Yours faithfully,
H N Ramkarran SC
Senior Partner
Cameron & Shepherd