Chicken pen continues in defiance of court order

Dear Editor,

Despite the fact there is a High Court  order made in 2010 by a Judge in Chambers restraining the owners and proprietors of a large stinking, rat and fly-infested chicken pen in Chateau Margot, a residential community, the owner still stubbornly continues to operate  and carry on an illegal business there that is a health hazard.

Most neighbours are dissatisfied with the obnoxious smell, flies and rodents that invade their homes and which have become a daily health nuisance. The owners, despite daily polite and subtle complains by residents, continue to carry on that illegal business as usual to the discomfort of their frustrated neighbours.

The court order was made on the application of the Environmental Protection Agency, and several residents were in contact recently with that agency to request that it enforce the order, but with the non-committal platitudes from the EPA officers, and some senior members of the local NDC here, the owner continues business as usual.

This illegal business is also operating with the full knowledge of the NDC here, despite the fact that several senior officials know it is irksome to all the neighbours.

We all remember reading from the books that one should love one’s neighbour as one loves oneself, but unfortunately after 2012 years we are all still struggling to translate that memorable and simple advice into actuality.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)