Charity Police Station, environs need sprucing up

Dear Editor,

I wish to call on the Minister of Home Affairs to act early and clear the environs of the Charity Police Station. As a longstanding member of the Charity Police Station management committee there had been a call to make the Police Station a safe place. The compound was subsequently fenced but still remains sandwiched by shabby stalls thus compromising the safety of the officers working in the building.

The mighty Pomeroon River is just a few metres away from the police station and with the official declaration of Charity as a port of entry the police station is in urgent need of sprucing up.

I am also urging the Top Cop to pay a visit to the area to gain firsthand knowledge of the undesirable situation facing the ranks at the station. I personally recommended some years ago that a senior rank as superintendent be based at the station so as to give guidance to the subordinate ranks. Please, let us avoid another Bartica episode in Charity.

The business community remains supportive of the security forces present in the region as a whole.

Let’s make Charity one of the outstanding ports of entry and secondary townships in our country.

All for your information towards better service for our society.

Yours faithfully,
Andrieko Basir