East Canje road needs to be wider

Dear Editor,

Residents in East Canje are perturbed and baffled as to the reason the recapping and remedial work done to the road is a step backwards rather than an improvement as its width has been constricted in its entirety from the Sheet Anchor turn to Gangaram – about five miles. We need wider not narrower roads.

With the volume of vehicles increasing about ten times recently, it makes sense to widen the road to facilitate the smooth and unimpeded flow of traffic. With the road reduced to fifteen feet from twenty-one in some areas, it makes traversing it hazardous, and the stopping of any vehicle becomes offensive for it can only be done on the driveway, there being no shoulder. Three vehicles is a no-no.

With the road from Gangaram to New Forest being done better than at any time previously, the traffic has increased, with many farmers using it, and abandoned activities returning to their former glory. Repopulation has become obvious, and this makes reducing the size of densely populated roads quite senseless. Whose baby?

The President in his New Year‘s speech highlighted the need for wider roads, and it is hoped he addresses this inadequacy. In a previous letter I questioned the lapses in relation to what was stipulated in the contract about attending to residential, business and streets entrances, while the steepness at the sides of the road cause injuries to many. Remedial work must be done to rectify this.

Yours faithfully,
M Sookraj