Cheddi Jagan would have been mad about Jagdeo’s pension benefits

Dear Editor,

The recent letter by Romel Roopnarine in which he defends the presidential package of Mr Jagdeo, former president of Guyana, is so ridiculous and riddled with holes, that one cannot help but laugh and cry at the same time – laugh at his comparisons with US presidential retirement packages which make no sense at all, and cry because Mr Roopnarine is supposed to be an upcoming ‘leader’ in the PPP and yet can hold an opinion which is so flawed, one wonders what real future this country really has. But the disturbing part of this whole episode on the largesse to Mr Jagdeo from our taxpayers’ money is that people in the PPP  know themselves that things are not right and actually talk about the injustice of Mr Jagdeo’s “sweepstakes package” (during the election period last year, I was told on  more than one occasion by PPP diehards about Jagdeo’s shameful retirement package), and yet they keep silent and say nothing in public or stifle their consciences and spout untruths just to stay on the payroll and in the political power mill. Look what Jagan’s party has come to? Shame on Romel Roopnarine who should stop claiming to be a disciple of President Cheddi because he would have been hopping mad at Mr Jagdeo’s pension benefits.

Editor, don’t the apologists for Jagdeo’s exquisite pension package take into account the poverty and trying times of the regular man and woman of this country?

Where’s our money for the road Fip Motilall never built? What about the sugar factory in Skeldon which doesn’t work? All these were under Mr Jagdeo’s tenure, not to mention NCN and a long list of failures. Mr Jagdeo and his PPP apologists should remember the words of President John F Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

Editor, all the apologists for the retirement package of Mr Jagdeo in the PPP such as Dr Gopaul, Mr Nandlall, et al, show us, the regular citizens of this country, that they really don’t care about the working people of Guyana and they think that we are like them, living with wool pulled over our eyes and hearts made of stone. Dr Ashni Singh, the Finance Minister, with his majoritarian mentality never even considered that it is totally wrong to have one’s wife as a director in the Auditor General’s office while he holds his office in Finance. The Auditor General’s office is supposed to act as a check and balance to his ministry, detecting any wrongdoings or mishaps in the general finances of our country. This is the same Dr Singh who saw the passage of Mr Jagdeo’s “sweepstakes” package through Parliament, and now joins the chorus of acolytes in defending such an outrageous act against the citizens of Guyana.

Meanwhile, what is Dr Singh doing for us? Where is tax reform? Where is the reduction in VAT? Where is the phantom growth rate Singh talks about as our people can’t find jobs and are desperately trying to go elsewhere? Where are the reasonable pensions for our elderly? Where are the Lotto funds? Maybe Mr Singh’s wife in the Auditor General’s office can answer these questions. President Cheddi would have never tolerated Dr Singh and his wife holding their positions simultaneously, and he fired Asgar Ally as Finance Minister for smaller infractions. The public should be aware that even with the cuts in the budget by the opposition – thank God for that – the government spends approximately $475 million  every single day, seven days a week, every week of the year!

Editor, just a minute, I am making a call –  beep, beep, beep…is that the Auditor General’s office? Can you please ask Mrs Ashni Singh  to check every penny of the $475 million spent by the government… Oh, she’s not in…. When will she be back?… After vacation with the Minister…ok, don’t worry, I’ll call back when she returns in 1 week… after another $3.3 billion  have been spent.

Yours faithfully,
Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)