Stuff it if you love it …Okra, that is

Stuffed Okra cooking Photo by Cynthia Nelson

Hi Everyone,

There is one particular vegetable that I buy every week when I go to the market – Okra – even when it is selling for BDS$6 (GUY$540) a pound. I. Love. Okra. A whole chapter in my book is dedicated to okra. I just can’t seem to get enough of it. I was thrilled therefore, a few years ago while doing a course in nutrition, to learn of the many health benefits of okra. As you can imagine, that only increased my gusto for the mighty okra.

Being a good source of vitamin C with healthy amounts of vitamin A and a rich source of dietary fibre, okra, is yet another one of those foods that we get so readily and abundantly in the region that is so good for us.

One of the major challenges we have with eating things that are good for us but we don’t necessary like, is the way in which they are prepared. Therefore, those of us who cook have the