

Having already discussed the important matters that surround the pre-whelping period, we’ll concentrate today on the issues associated with labour and the actual delivery.

There are three stages of labour.  In the first stage the cervix (the canal connecting the vagina with the womb) dilates and opens up the birth canal.  In the second stage the puppies are delivered alternately from the ‘horns’ of the uterus.  You may recall that I had mentioned that the uterus (womb) of a dog is not like that of a woman.  The bitch’s womb is shaped like a ‘Y’; the two arms of the ‘Y’ are called horns, and it is here where the pups reside until they are delivered. The upright of the ‘Y’ is called the body of the Uterus.    In the third stage the afterbirth is delivered.  Bitches lie down or stand or squat to deliver their offspring.

The first stage begins with rapid panting, uneasiness, straining or perhaps vomiting.  During this period, vomiting could be