On saints, sinners – and sex–workers

Again I avoid today what those more competent will address – the economy, the crises of all categories, crime, controversy and Syria.

Instead, I offer brief comment on some themes and issues, of some social significance which attracted my attention last week. (They jumped at me from the Stabroek News newspaper.)

A Leon Suseran – a Berbician Letter–Writer-Commentator last week courageously came out of the closet to disclose publicly that he is gay. The Thursday August 29 SN story captured my fancy for some of the issues raised by Mr. Suseran. His treatment of them ensured my quiet solidarity with his perspective.

Reportedly, he, a Roman Catholic, acknowledged that “the Church does not and will never condone homosexual lifestyles and habits. “But”, Leon notes, “the church has always been a home of both saints and sinners…”

Suseran competently contemplates his disclosure and the (local) consequences, with respect to the traditional teachings of the Christian Church. In these days of “enlightenment” my question is whether it is still a Christian sin to be gay (?) Surely the LGBT community can argue that “we are all made in the image and name of God” – all being his, Children. There is guidance in the Christian’s Holy Books but just who is to judge?


Saints, Sinners…

I notice that the definitions for saint have to do with “one who has been recognized for having an exceptional degree of holiness, sanctity and virtue.” So it seems that officially–recognized saints are deemed to have a special, real close relationship with God himself.

Some religions and churches canonize persons into saint–hood. Holy Bible Saints are activists in glory. Today, I suppose only babies and toddlers might qualify to be described as everyday “saints”. So steeped in some sin we others all are! It is said that we’re all sinned and fallen short of religious teachers who seek to lead us to redemption. Frankly Speaking, the church today seems to be a virtual industry. From the Vatican to the humble Village Church. And in their midst are still too many practising sinners!

Yes, the Church will never be out of “business”. Because God’s Rival Satan is certainly holding his own in term of the daily manifestation of sinful activity and outright evil.


Sex–workers (?)

Just who are they? In Guyana instead of gender, “sex” and sexuality often seem to interchange when issues of homosexuality arise. However over the past few days this newspaper has carried items related to a category of employee described as “sex–workers”.

Now in my time (fifty years ago) prostitutes – whom even Jesus Christ mixed with – were treated with high contempt and called some very colourful names – besides prostitute: whore, harlot, ladies of the night; later came hooker, call–girl, escort. Now enter the sex–worker.

Female sex–workers provide for males’ most universal, basic, almost necessary craving. Perhaps that’s why prostitutes are said to be practising the world’s oldest profession. I have managed to come to terms, however reluctantly, with the fact that these providers are indeed workers.

So for good public health sake, these workers have to be organised. Find a description for “union”. In countries of Europe, in Brazil, the sex–worker “sector/industry” is regulated – licences/permits, I.D. cards, Health Certificates. (I doubt whether there are standardised rates, as some “customer” crave varied “services”.) Some countries even restrict these workers to specific zones or districts so as to guard against indiscriminate harassment and molestation by the workers.

Mind you, in those (developed) societies some lady–prostitutes, including the more “sophisticated” call–girls/home services, are often degreed persons, owners of homes, or students “working” their way through college.

In Guyana sex–workers still attract ostracisation and ridicule. Most times their modus operandi and appearance, health status and attitudes bring that rejection upon themselves. Yet “estimates place the annual revenue generated from the global prostitution industry to be over $100 billion (US)”.

“The legal status of prostitution varies from country to country – from being a punishable crime to a regulated profession. “Issues of morality surface when, in Guyana, one knows of young ladies willingly subjecting themselves to such “careers” for sheer survival and of vulnerable, needy professionals given to earning “on the side”. Discuss…



Economic good news, but Eton…

“Guyana’s economy has been performing better than those in the region – those suffering from the ills of the fallout since 2008… the performance of … the bank’s… operations in Guyana bolstered the company’s fortunes… mortgage – related income has risen on the back of a housing boom” (News from Republic Bank’s Third Quarter Financial Report.)

The Venezuelan President and China have just inked lucrative deals related to our economic activities, perhaps development.

Qualfon is building a new Call Centre as part of the modern world’s Business Outsourcing (BPO/Initial Contact Centre Industry, which will, allegedly, provide 600 jobs. The company claims to have belief in the future of Guyana. The government has to be proud.

But as Eton reads and hears all this he becomes more stressed. Why? He graduated from UG last year but still hasn’t landed an appropriate job. Economic planners have to advise all the Etons. Before   they enter University and when they – the planner – are certain of promising investments.



The accused Islamic Teacher from Sophia returns to Court next Tuesday. An expert witness is going to say something on his behalf.

The village of Victoria, ECD will receive tangible assistance from folks in the USA. A school? A medical clinic? Employment? Great!

Never should chemical weapons be used – war or no war! But do you know that the USA did not bother Saddam Hussein when Iraq used gas against Iran in their long war? Now I expect that President Obama will punish the inhuman Assad of Syria for using gas against his own.

Do we have expert folks to treat Georgetown’s trees?

What!? They are going to appoint an Afro–Guyanese as Minister at the Tourism Ministry?

Postponed: Becoming A Guyanese Again.

Camptown has another anniversary this weekend.



Til next week!

(Comments? allanafenty@yahoo.com)