Eid ul Adha a time for reflection – CIOG

The Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) said Eid ul Adha commemorates one of the greatest acts of sacrifice in the annals of human history and should be used as a time of reflection.

“The most important part of this holy and auspicious day is that it is a day of reflection; it is a day of rededicating our [lives] to the service of the Creator and Sustainer of this Universe. It is a day of understanding that in order to effect any change in our masjids, community, society and the world at large we have to start first by changing ourselves,” said Fazeel Ferouz, president of the CIOG.

While noting that the slaughtering of animals and sharing the meat to the needy are important aspects of Eid, Ferouz said Muslims “must understand that we are going to sacrifice our evil inclinations, egos and unworthy deeds at the same time….By doing the sacrifice, we are pledging to make a change for the better of ourselves…, he added.

Shaikh Moeenul Hack, CIOG Director of Education, explained that the animal sacrifice is not an end in itself but only a means towards an end. “It is the external symbol of an internal dedication,” he said. While it commemorates the sacrifice Abraham was called to make, “its function is not propitiate but creative, creative of an avenue through which Divine light enters, to strengthen us in the ideal of sacrifice.”

Ferouz advises Muslims to use Eid to pray for peace and unity in the Ummah, in Guyana and the wider world and to pray against natural calamities and economic difficulties.