Behold! A modest house under construction

Dear Editor,

Some intriguing sights caught my attention recently.  They amused.

There was that cartoon with the U.S. Ambassador addressing Guyana’s parliament, which began with “My fellow Americans…”  Very cute.  Incidentally are there any natives around that place anymore?  I mean on the inside.  Also, congratulations are extended to the Hon Minister on her new offshore arrival.  Registration is recommended in place of delivery, since the local education environment is so, shall we say, challenged.  The Minister ought to know.  Please spare the child.

Then I saw a truly rare sight in Georgetown: a house under construction.  I mean an honest to goodness, modest, bona fide structure.  The genuine article so prevalent long ago; it was not one of those fabulous, cash-machine, cambio-busting extravaganzas, just a regular size building.  It was a sight to behold.

Sticking with the city, I read the ads from the Town Council seeking a Town Clerk, City Treasurer, City Engineer, and Solid Waste Director.  I am giving serious thought to applying, as I believe that I can do much better than those who went before.  Just so that everyone understands me clearly –I am thinking of applying for ALL FOUR jobs, as I am convinced that I can do all of them simultaneously. And do them well, too.  If anyone wants to challenge me: Go ahead, make my day!  By the way, I will do all four jobs pro bono.  This way the freed-up cash can be available to pay for repairs to those vehicles, so that the garbage can be collected.

Now with all this reading on my part, I noticed that a certain minister has abandoned-or was directed to discontinue-his impressive presence in the letter columns.  I say: good move, sir!  It is a thoroughly considerate and patriotic gesture, arguably the best of his entire tenure.  No, not as minister, but his entire political tenure.  This made me wonder if the poor ostracized chap cannot write (someone got a rest), and is not allowed to speak, then what is left for him to do.  Mischief does not count.  This stumped me until I remembered of how much he was “not aware of” during friendly exchanges.  Maybe he could use the time to develop some of what has proven so elusive.  Not that it would do the nation any good.  Given all the maladies that have rained upon this jolly fellow, it is just possible that-denials aside-a goat did bite him.  There had to have been at least a quick nip.

Last I must confess to my own failure.  I tried very hard to find something to say about the opposition, but kept running into the same problem over and over again: I kept coming up empty.  No sighting; no sound; no nothing.  Where is this group?  Will somebody help a citizen with an enquiring mind?  Please?

Yours faithfully,