What is the Government of Guyana doing to ‘crack down on extravagance and waste’?

Dear Editor,

Regarding the publication of a rather confusing letter (‘Chinese anti-corruption measures’ SN, Feb 20) written by a diehard PPPite, Mr Hydar Ally, I thought for a moment it had been written as a comedy script for the next upcoming show at the National Cultural Centre.

Mr Ally wrote: “A Reuters story caught my attention which I thought of sharing with readers. It has to do with anti-corruption measures taken by the Chinese authorities which included a ban on advertisements for expensive gifts such as watches and jewellery as part of a push by the government to crack down on extravagance and waste…”

This could not be further from the truth, as it is known around the world, that China is rapidly becoming one of the most corrupt countries in the world. However, we can understand why Mr Ally would wish to inform us otherwise.

How I wish Mr Ally could tell us what the Government of Guyana is doing to “crack down on extravagance and waste” by many officials and their relatives.

Yours faithfully,
Mark A Benschop