Cheddi Jagan was a ‘change agent’

Dear Editor,

Vision is described as the ability to see things not as they are but as they will be. This ability to think and see beyond the immediate is an attribute that not all human beings are gifted with, even though we are all governed by certain basic instincts which allow us to behave rationally and make decisions in our lives that help to ensure our survival both as individuals and as members of the human species.

That ability to think big and to foresee trends of societal change and development is perhaps the most significant characteristic distinguishing greatness from mediocrity. Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Cheddi Jagan belonged to that category of great and visionary leaders who not only sought to interpret the world, but more importantly to change it for the good of humanity.

In this regard, these men could be considered not only as visionary leaders but as also transformational leaders who by their actions and deeds have resulted in a rupture of an old and decadent order to one that is much more liberating and enlightened.

In the case of Martin Luther King, he led a revolution again racism in the United States of America which helped in no small measure to change race relations in America to a point where the country experienced for the first time the election to office of the of the first ever Black President of the United States of America in the person of Barack Obama.

Nelson Mandela defied the odds but managed to end apartheid rule in South Africa and became the first democratically elected President of that country. Today, he is highly respected throughout the world as one of the greatest living statesmen.

Cheddi Jagan was instrumental in liberating Guyana from the bondage of colonialism, servitude and undemocratic rule and until his last days championed the cause for social justice and a new global order. Like Nelson Mandela, he later became the first democratically elected executive President of Guyana.

The lives of these people are cause for celebration. These outstanding personalities are change agents who impacted on the lives of ordinary people in positive ways.  Unfortunately, there are some ‘small minds’ who seek to denigrate the ideas and contributions of Dr Jagan out of a parochial mentality which nothing can remedy.

But, as the saying goes, ‘small minds talk about people, big minds about ideas.’

Yours faithfully,
Hydar Ally