Time catches up with those who trample on rights

Dear Editor,

Ex-military junta leader Rafael Videla of Argentina died recently whilst serving a 50-year prison sentence for his role in the disappearance and torture of thousands of men, women and children when he seized power from Isabel Peron in 1976. He was at one time the most feared and dreaded military leader in Argentina who led what became known as the “Dirty War” that targeted mainly those on the left who dared to defy his dictatorial rule.

Not even pregnant women were spared his diabolical rule many of whom were killed after delivery and had their babies taken away and given to the families of the military. Hundreds of those taken away as children cannot be accounted for until this day.

Those were the days when several South American countries were ruled by military leaders who ruthlessly suppressed the democratic aspirations of the people in order to preserve and protect the interests of local and foreign capital.

Today, the winds of change are blowing across the entire hemisphere and many of those who were responsible for crimes against humanity are now being  held accountable for their actions.

Guyana also suffered during that period when Forbes Burnham with the backing of the military and para-military hijacked the democratic process and instituted authoritarian rule for over two decades.

The important lesson from all of this is that time has a way of catching up with all those who feel that they can trample on the rights of the people and get away with it, as the experiences of General Pinochet of Chile and Videla of Argentina have demonstrated.

Yours faithfully,
Hydar Ally