Poor service at Guyana Consulate in New York

Dear Editor,

I’m not sure who to write, but I was feeling so upset about the absolutely worst service in the history of customer service which I received from the Guyana Consulate in New York. I arrived at the consulate at 9am (the time when they open). There were about four other persons already there waiting. At the window I explained that I had renewed my passport about four years ago and forgot to pick it up, and that I didn’t have the receipt. The woman behind the window asked me to write my name down. After waiting about 30 minutes, I returned to the window and was told that my name had been handed to another employee to look for the passport. When asked, the other worker had no idea what envelope she was speaking of. I wrote my name down again and was told to go to the next window, and that employee would help me. While I was standing waiting the employee proceeded to have a personal conversation about a friend in Guyana. I became upset and tapped on the window and complained. She continued to have her conversation. I became more upset and I began to speak loudly with profanity. When she finally came over to me I told her the situation and she said she didn’t find the passport. I was asked again how many years ago it was, and she said, “Oh, I have to search in a different area for that, have a seat.”  I’m so annoyed and upset that I will be applying for citizenship here just so I will never have to deal with these unprofessional, rude people again.

Yours faithfully,
Lovern Li-A-Ping

Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Ms Elisabeth Harper, the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for any comment she might wish to make.