Someone committed this gruesome murder of my brother

Dear Editor,

My brother, Fitzroy Marshall, who gave decades of service to his country in the areas of Public Service and Education was brutally murdered in his home on the 19th of January 2009. His body was discovered with his limbs tied up like a captured iguana and his mouth gagged in a most horrific manner. His home was totally ransacked. The pathologist reported that he died from Asphyxiation, Manual Strangulation and Blunt Trauma to the Head. The person charged with committing this crime was recently found not guilty by a jury in a court of law. However, it is a fact that Fitzroy was murdered in his home. It is also a fact that someone committed this gruesome, despicable, vile crime. That person whoever he is, wherever he is, knows what he did and consequently knows of his guilt. He will have to live with that burden. Fitzroy, May Your Soul Rest In Peace.

Yours faithfully,
Lloyd H. Marshall