The PNC stands to benefit from having Solomon on the Central Executive

Dear Editor,

I read with interest a recent opinion expressed in this newspaper this past week which stated that Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon’s “wings are effectively clipped.” The writer opined that Mr Solomon’s admittance to the PNC’s Central Executive was, in essence, a grave mistake.

I beg to differ.

Contrary to the opinion expressed, I welcome Mr Solomon’s presence in the PNC Central Executive as it represents to me new blood being injected into the polluted veins of that institution. In fact, I posit that he will be a breath of fresh air, bringing a new, younger, more robust direction to the aged Central Executive.

Concerns that Mr Solomon’s future actions will be “tainted” by party affiliation and “not in the interest of the people of Linden” are ludicrous. Isn’t this the same man who, it was reported, had threatened to march should the APNU act against the interests of the people who voted green in the first place? Words which can be construed as blatant antagonism to the very ‘party’ of which he is a part?

The fact is that Mr Solomon has always represented himself as a man of the people and for the people. I doubt very much that any of that will change. I, unlike naysayers, base my claim on Mr Solomon’s actions of last year and since. This is no man who will bow to party influence if it stands in the way of Region 10’s progress.

As to Mr Solomon’s possible motives for making such a significant move, based on the reported words and actions of the gentleman, I would venture to say that he is motivated by the people he serves – the people of Region 10.  He will likely use his position at Central Executive to further advance the cause of Region 10. It is highly unlikely that Mr Solomon’s move has not had the support of the people whose interests he seeks to protect.


The PNC stands to benefit by having more individuals like Mr Solomon at its strategic level. I look forward to Mr Solomon’s continued fearlessness in the time to come.


Yours faithfully,
Shermann Thompson