Know your food – Gone bananas

Bananas are the world’s most popular and best-selling fruit, outranking the apple and orange. This fact alone is testimony to the importance and nutritional value of bananas in our daily diets. It therefore begs the question, ‘Have you had your banana today?’

I bet that after reading today’s column that you will never look at bananas the same way again.


Bananas & Potassium

Bananas are a rich source of the mineral, potassium. Potassium helps the body to store blood sugar in the form of glycogen, which is the principal source of energy required by all muscles in the body in order to work properly. This is why eating a banana makes for an ideal, and slightly prolonged source of energy.

The high potassium levels in bananas can also help us with stress relief. What the potassium does in our bodies is that it helps normalise