A sweet memory

Hi Everyone,

I hung around my aunt Betty’s kitchen a lot when I was growing up. I loved to watch her and my cousin Shanti cook. Sometimes I’d just observe them work and at other times they’d assign me little tasks. I particularly enjoyed helping to “oil” the roti (brushing the dough with oil and rolling it to form layers when cooked). It was my favourite part about making roti, mostly because the dough was soft, elastic and silky. It was like playing with play dough and my aunt made roti for her family’s dinner every evening so I got to “play” often. One day, my aunt offered me a sweet reward for being a good little helper. She made me a sugar roti!

Now don’t be confused, a sugar roti is not the same thing as a sweet roti or what we in Guyana call cho-tah (think pancake). A sugar roti my dear friends is a roti where the dough is stuffed with sweet Demerara brown sugar and cooked until lightly toasted on both sides and the sugar inside, melted. Think of it along the lines of a