Sleepin proprietor eyeing new $$$M 200-room hotel

Clifton Bacchus

Even as much of the rest of the local hotel and hospitality industry worries about less than encouraging levels of visitor arrivals, Clifton Bacchus, proprietor of the Sleepin International Hotel on Brickdam says that his 60-room facility customarily enjoys a 95 per cent occupancy rate.

It is a remarkable achievement in a country not known for all-year-round visitors. Bacchus says that, over time, the Sleepin has become popular with a clientele that includes customers from North America and Europe, the Caribbean and increasingly, various parts of Guyana.

Perhaps the popularity of the establishment has to do with the fact that it has managed to combine an air of informality with service standards that please its broad clientele. Or it may just be that the Sleepin, now clearly one of the larger, more popular hotels in Georgetown and its environs,