Feeding older puppies

(Continued from last week)

Before we launch into today’s theme, allow me to mention that someone – after reading last week’s column – asked me how one could distinguish between a young puppy and an older puppy.  Well, without researching the literature on the matter and using my own experience, one could refer to the following rule of thumb:

Very young pup (aka newborn): from birth to the point when the eyelids open (10-14 days), and while the pup is still nursing.  At 3 weeks of age the very young pup can receive its first deworming. Remember that, in all likelihood, this very young pup would have been born with worms.  At four weeks of age, you can introduce some solid food.

Young pup: from one month of age until the pup has lost all of its milk teeth (circa 5-6 months of age), and has