Re-assessing the Brigadier, briefly, APNU? Who?

I can claim to be no political scientist nor analyst. I am a layman of some one-time Party affiliation and experience in Public Relations during three major elections campaigns. I was a staunch PNC member and supporter, under LFS Burnham in the early and mid-seventies. As a professional I served under Desmond Hoyte’s Presidency and watched him succumb to international political reality.

Now share this personal, political and moral dilemma I carried as a burden for most of the years when I favoured the People’s National Congress – the PNC: I never voted more than one time at any rigged elections. But I suspected the obvious PNC electoral engineering to deny thousands their choice and will. I stayed with PNC, up to 1996 however. Because I saw the brains within that Party and true nationalism and patriotism amongst many genuine leaders.

I also, suspected what certain PPP leaders could do when and if they seized political power to add to their then growing economic base. I grappled on with the fact that while I was a small, lesser minion of the Party, academic, intellectual and recognized giants such as the Kings, Shahabuddeens, Ramphals, Chandisinghs, Greenidges, Jacksons, Jeffreys, Hoytes, et al, served Burnham – knowing that