Encountering each other

Our nation suffers from a world-record brain drain. This is our most fundamental crisis. We witness the devastating impact of our poor human development across this society. And everyone is so busy cussing each other out, in blissful ignorance of the real crisis, that we don’t see the problem crushing us like a gigantic monster slowly gnawing our nation to screaming nonsense.

Of course, he who knows not that he knows not cannot reform his knowing.

While Government suffers severe skills shortages in the Public Sector, with crisis failure rates even at the Nursing College and the Teachers’ Training College, the Opposition parties’ paucity of vision, leadership and good sense compounds the tragedy.

Whether it’s City Hall or Parliament, we see a tragic struggle to lead. The effort is there, but our leaders seem handicapped, unable to tackle the most basic essential skills of public service.

Those opposed to Government sacrifice even their humane values in their vehement vitriol, refusing to criticize