Easter plans

Robert Hercules

Today, Easter Monday, traditionally being a day when families picnic and fly kites at various venues around the country, we asked the man/woman in the street how they planned to spend the Easter holidays. Their comments follow:

Robert Hercules
Robert Hercules
Yonette Paddy
Yonette Paddy

Robert Hercules, self-employed – ‘Providing that the rain doesn’t fall I will go flying kite in the National Park and then later I might go to a party. I’m not sure yet if I’ll go to the park with my children cause is plenty of them so I might cut out the partying and just go home and hang with the children.’

Yonette Paddy, saleswoman – ‘I’ll just be taking things very quietly. Of course, I will be making some cross buns for the occasion. My daughter is 14 and is not too excited for the holiday but we’re planning to go to Umbrella Resort with friends and family and just enjoy the day.’

Robin Singh, taxi driver – ‘Easter Sunday does be a family day for me so we just hang out at home but on Easter Monday I will be going to Joe Vieira Park. I got invited by a friend to go. I’ve never been there so it’ll be good to check out the new atmosphere. Normally I’d go the National Park with my family and play dominoes and drink some beers because my family is a big dominoes family but this year it’ll be something different.’

Kamlita Hughes, sales representative – ‘I will be working but my family will be celebrating the day. My brothers are 13 and 18 and they will be out there flying their kites while my mom will be home relaxing. My brothers will be the ones going out up to Berbice to enjoy the day. Maybe after work I will be going out for an evening walk.’

Marley Ince, student from the US – ‘I’m gonna go fly a kite because I haven’t flown one in about fifteen years. I’m on Spring Break and I made sure I stayed long enough to fly my kite. I’ll be going to the National Park. Hopefully I’ll get taken to some parties afterwards.’

Felicia Belle, tourist visiting from St Lucia – ‘I’ll just be going to church. There is a Harvest Festival at the World Apostolic Revival Ministries so my daughter and I are taking part in it. For Monday though I’m going to take a walk. I’ve never been kite flying to I want my daughter to experience that.’

Kamlita Hughes
Kamlita Hughes

Vaulette Hamilton, teacher – ‘Well I don’t have any big plans for Easter. But I am going to visit my sister in Essequibo. She says that she will take me to Lake Mainstay. I guess I’ll have to wait and see what happens. It should be nice

Robin Singh
Robin Singh


Trevor Smith, kite vendor – ‘I will be selling kites on Easter. I am 51 years old and I have been doing this since I was 16. I have a job to do and as a public-spirited citizen I feel like it is my duty to sell my beautiful star-points. As the Grandmaster of Kites joy comes out of me.’

 Roger Pyle, IT technician – ‘I’m just going to be taking it easy. Just relaxing. I’m trying to raise some cash to elevate myself. I don’t have any time for Easter now but maybe next year when I get to where I want to be then I can celebrate.’

 Tekesa Gittens – ‘I will be partying hard for the Easter holiday. Friday night I’m going to the Glow Party at Hotel Tower then I’m just chilling out on Saturday. Sunday is just some time to relax with the family but Monday is going to be tun up. I’m going out with my family in the day to go fly kite then in the night I’m going to the stadium to see Jah Cure and Sean Paul.’

Marley Ince
Marley Ince
Felicia Belle
Felicia Belle
Vaulette Hamilton
Vaulette Hamilton
Trevor Smith
Trevor Smith
Roger Pyle
Roger Pyle
Tekesa Gittens
Tekesa Gittens