First time shopper wins $400,000 in Courts promotion

After shopping at Courts for the first time last month, Bartica resident Vidwanti Persaud was thrilled to receive $400,000 yesterday after being named the final winner in Frigidaire promotion.

Persaud said that when she received the call on Friday she believed it was a prank until she later learnt that it wasn’t. “I am so excited,” she told Stabroek News.

She further explained that she is on the process of building her own home since she got married about a year ago and she plans to use the money to complete her house.

Persaud made her first purchase at the Courts Bartica branch of one Fridigaire flat screen TV and a fridge and received coupons to enter the competition.

A total on $1.6 million was allocated to four lucky customers who purchased any Fridigaire item storewide. The promotion started on October 1 and ended October 31 and within that four-week period, four lucky customers won themselves $400,000 each.

This promotion was only a first peek of what Courts has in store for its customers this holiday season.