Hillary Clinton says Benghazi probes won’t deter possible White House bid

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Hillary Clinton said the latest round of congressional investigations into the 2012 attacks on the US diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, would not deter her from seeking the presidency.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

“Actually, it is more of a reason to run because I do not believe our great country should be playing minor league ball,” Clinton told ABC News.

“We ought to be in the majors. And I view this as really apart from, even a diversion from the hard work that the Congress should be doing about the problems facing our country and the world,” Clinton said in a televised excerpt from an interview with ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer.

Republicans have accused Clinton, who was then secretary of State, of not doing more to ensure the safety of Americans in Benghazi. Four Ameri-cans, including Ambassa-dor Chris Stevens, were killed in the attack.

In the ABC interview, broadcast on the eve of the publication of her memoir, “Hard Choices,” Clinton said she was “ultimately responsible for my people’s safety.” But pressed on whether there was more she could have done, she said there were limits.