Independent living

Dear Editor,

I am a visually impaired senior citizen. In 2013 I fenced my property with the kind assistance of some well-meaning citizens and friends.

Since then I have planted some cash crops for my own use. I have been able to enjoy the benefits of pumpkins, ochro, and cucumber, among others which I shared with some of my friends.

20140301laurieSome persons in my neighbourhood laughed at me when I started to plant, while others took the opportunity to congratulate me.

It cost me approximately $4,000 monthly to get the yard weeded with a brush cutter.

I took this  as evidence that my efforts were not in vain as I have reaped produce from my garden.

I wanted to share this story with you as evidence of independent living of the disabled and that although life is tough we still try to do our best.

Yours faithfully,
Laurie Greenidge