Employers should make employees feel they are interested in their welfare

Dear Editor,

I would like to send a message to all employers who may be having problems with their employees in that they feel these are not contributing enough to their business.

I have seen a lot of business owners running their organisations with the sole objective of making a profit.  This means that they treat employees in the same way as they would deal with the tools of their trade – as simply units to exploit for the sole purpose of maximising financial returns.  This would ultimately make their workers feel that their employer is regarding them as inanimate objects without human dignity, without their special uniqueness and talents, and without the ability to contribute in a creative way.

When we believe that each individual is a unique human being with his/her own special way of reacting to any situation, then we will treat that person with dignity and respect.  I can assure you that, as long as that person is normal and not restrained by any illness or disturbing situation, he/she will react and produce more than is expected so as to bring out his/her innate individuality and desire to be significant, which are the most powerful natural longings of any person.

Employers should make their employees feel that they are interested in their welfare, and that they have something positive to contribute to the general business, and they will not disappoint them, but will even surprise them with their creativity and leadership.

Yours truly,

Roy Paul