‘Quote from Ban Ki-Moon’s message should have been included’

Dear Editor,

It is with regret that I am pointing out that on Saturday March 8, 2014 when you reported in an article titled ‘Justice system reforms need to better support women -Justice George,” you failed to mention that Justice George quoted the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, in a message in the UN Women Report ‘In Pursuit of Justice: Progress of the World’s Women 2011-2012’ said: “Justice is central to the effort to help women become equal partners in decision-making and development.

“Without justice, women are disenfranchised, disempowered and denied their rightful place…”

The Women and Gender Commission would be very happy if this correction can be highlighted in the next edition of your newspapers.

I have attached Justice George’s original speech for your perusal and I have highlighted the section that needs to be corrected.

Thanks for supporting the Women and Gender Equality Commission to raise the awareness of the contribution of women and problems faced by women.

Yours faithfully,

Diana Swan-Lawrence

Chief Executive
