Golden Grove, Nabaclis roads need urgent attention

Dear Editor,

There are two roads in Golden Grove and Nabaclis which are in dire need of urgent repairs. To begin with there is the sideline dam that separates the two villages; this road is in a deplorable state with dozens of potholes which are giving vehicle drivers and owners problems to traverse on a daily basis. There are hundreds of residents who have to traverse this road daily using taxis, and the taxi-drivers are now contemplating abandoning this route for fear of their vehicles being damaged further.

Then there is the Nabaclis middle walk road which is a bit more accessible, but is also in a deplorable state. Drivers have to be extra cautious when traversing sections of this road.

Very soon the rainy season will grace our shores and we are kindly asking those in authority to look into our problems as a matter of emergency, because if these roads are left unattended and the rains come it will be a burden and cause great hardship for commuters, drivers and owners of vehicles on the whole.

Yours faithfully,

Fitzroy I Hughes