Our invisible contributors

The Rewa team (l to r): Trevor Chan, Jaia Paul, Duane de Freitas Jr, Lesley de Souza engaged with Mr Arapaima.

Over time, numerous experts in a range of fields have come to Guyana and contributed expertise, training and sometimes equipment to various sectors of our economy. Occasionally, as in the case of donations to our medical facilities, we hear of these visits via the press, but most of the time the general public remains unaware of the beneficial role these specialists have played in our development. The individuals do their work and leave, and unless you are one of the few interacting with them during they stay, their contribution remains invisible.

Today I’m shining a little bit of light on one such contributor: in this case, a young woman, Lesley de Souza, born in Brazil and raised in the USA, who has been one of those generally invisible contributors