Questions about teenage pregnancy in Guyana

Let’s assume that you are present on a regular basis in the same home as your child/children, grandchildren, niece, or other young female relative/s, that you are paying attention, and that you have enough of a relationship with them to be aware of the basics of their lives. What do you do then, when this 12, 13, 14, or 15-year-old child (or a ten or 20140815health logo11-year-old for that matter) comes to you and tells you that she’s pregnant? Or when someone else tells you? Or you notice her belly growing? Do you abuse and/or beat her? Do you kick her out of your house before she ‘contaminates’ the other children? Do you beat up yourself (and/or your partner) for having failed as a parent/caregiver? Do you think it’s ok because you survived, so she will too?

Do you wish you’d talked to her more about sex and love and relationships so she would have made better decisions? Or do you just not know what to say, because nobody ever talked to you about those things? Do you hold your head and cry because you’re sad and angry and tired that you had to always be working and couldn’t be at home enough to guide and/or protect her? Do you pray for divine intervention or seek outside assistance from relevant authorities and organizations? Or do you hide, ignore and avoid talking about the issue with others because you are ashamed? Do you explain all the available options to her – including abortion and adoption?

Do you try to find out who violated her? Do you go find them and beat them or do you negotiate some