Stomatitis (continued)

Last week, we dealt with the symptoms and treatment of the classic stomatitis (sore mouth) condition. There are, however, some variations of the ailment. The following variations are largely based on documentations by scientists Dr D G Carlson (a veterinarian) and Dr J M Griffin (a medico).

Trench mouth (Vincent’s Stomatitis)

20130407pet cornerThis is an extremely painful Stomatitis caused by a bacteria-like germ. It is the most common form of stomatitis in the dog. It is characterized by a beefy red look to the gums, which bleed easily when touched. There is a characteristic offensive odour from the mouth, usually accompanied by the escape of a brown, purulent, slimy saliva which stains the teeth, and muzzle. The front legs, which the dog uses to rub its inflamed mouth, also gets stained.


Flush the mouth with a weak solution of peroxide (one part in 10) several times a day and administer a course of penicillin or any broad spectrum antibiotic, twice daily for at least one week (often, a 3-week long treatment course is advisable, even necessary). Aspirin should be given to control the pain. All antibiotics should be