Fiftieth Fever: 50 of this, 50 of that A brown America, fearful?

The motivation for these remarks comes from the stimulation I frequently get from the analyses and even advisories in some Sunday Stabroek editorials. (This Sunday’s “Street renaming” refers.)

But I’ve also done my own ponderings on the current preparations for the grand golden 2016 celebration of our country’s fiftieth anniversary of its political/constitutional/governmental “independence.” (Have you ever given serious thought to that concept of “independence”? “Independence” in an inter-dependent global society where the powerful and mighty still reign supreme over the economically dependent and divided poor?) On September 18 last I pondered on just what is there to celebrate for our half-century of so-called “independence”. Amongst the numerous examples, the symbols of developmental stagnation, marking-time, even backwardness, I would usually stress that “potable water still doesn’t reach up to my top flat.” After being independent for 50 years! Or 49!

But, as a patriotic 70-plus citizen who saw the new Golden Arrowhead pulled up at the National Park, I am/was objective enough to repeat a few positive developments I experienced since May 1966. Even though they hardly impacted in any powerfully significant manner on this country’s sustained quality of life, even as