Playing with Words

An educator for over forty years, Hazel Moses has had a lifelong love affair with words. “As a child I loved reading. As I grew older it was the natural thing to do.”

That blossomed into writing…poetry taken from experiences and observations.

20151008bookIn 1992 she took up a six-month course of study in Text Book Editing at the University of London. As a requirement for participation in the programme she produced a booklet titled Playing with Words, printing a small number of copies. In 2013 she produced a revised version of the book for children aged between five and nine.

Playing With Words contains sixteen poems and includes various word-related activities for students and notes designed to guide teachers in how to teach poetry. The book has three sections… “People who help”… which explains the roles of professionals… “Things I like to do”…which explores the world of the child and a third section that discusses issues of safety and tidiness.

Playing With Words also provides opportunity for children to “express themselves orally and through art, writing, miming and role-play.

The book is written for Guyanese children but is likely to be relevant elsewhere in the Caribbean and beyond.

The Author believes that teachers and parents will find Playing With Words a novel way to teach poetry to children.