The process of relearning and enlightenment has begun

Dear Editor,

Reference is made to Professor Justice Duke Pollard’s letter ‘No constitutionally valid election date has been set’ (SN, January 24). Prof Pollard speaks to the level of integrity that we need in national discourse. We need more voices like this, because what is evident here is that this nation is witnessing a lack of integrity through a shallow interpretation of issues that skews our understanding in decision-making.

Even a simple matter as to the Constitution of Guyana, what exists and what doesn’t, and whether the government should be held accountable to operating within the parameter of this instrument, has become the victim of a political culture of soundbytes, which mask the absence of constructive reasoning.

For too many years we have a situation where people are not taking responsibility and skewing the narrative to suit their purpose. We have lost generations that have been fed half-truths. The myths that have been perpetuated in this society have grown roots and turned into the largest purpleheart tree.

The process of relearning and enlightenment has begun. We need more people who can take public positions in advancing justice in the society, protecting the integrity and understanding of our constitution and laws. We need the voice of the silent majority to speak up. The agents of information and education too have a role to play.

It is recognised that our institutions of learning and other agents of socialisation have a much greater role to play in helping society to progress with integrity. We should stop allowing persons to shape our reality without fact-checking them. Those who have the authority/instrument of power in their control to disseminate messages, information or hinder same, should not escape accountability.

The foundation of this society has been distorted and used by the self-serving to score cheap political points. The PPP has successfully controlled the narrative, even when not in government, to such an extent that they have shaped the people’s understanding through their biased lens. Even the opposition has become victim of it as we continue to see pronouncements and actions inconsistent with the constitution, laws and other universal principles.

Those who want to blame the constitution for the government’s misconduct, instead of holding government accountable to the spirit, intent and letter of this instrument are doing this nation a grave disservice.

Justice Pollard, in drawing attention to a fact of elections that, “According to Article 61 such a determination requires: (a) appointment of the election date by the President by proclamation, that is, an appropriate gazettable instrument in writing; (b) such appointment to be made only after the dissolution of Parliament and not before nor during its prorogation,” reminds us that we need to move forward consistent with the constitution and hold all elected leaders, without exclusion, accountable to this instrument.

 Yours faithfully,

Lincoln Lewis