APNU+AFC REOs are political appointees

Dear Editor,

The position of Regional Executive Officer (REO) in the ten administrative regions was advertised by the Ministry of Communities, no doubt in a vain attempt by the APNU+AFC government, and more specifically its Minister of Communities, to convince the Guyanese people that this is part of the change leading to the good life. In other words it was one of the acts of the new government to make the recruitment process appear to be transparent and non-political. How farcical!

If the political and ethnic considerations evident in the appointment of the state boards and the dismissal of public servants, Amer-indian CSOs, etc, are anything to be guided by, then social cohesion in our society is a very remote concept that could not be realized with an APNU+AFC government in office.

When one checks the job specification set out in the ministry’s advertisement against the known relevant professional attainment and experience of most of those appointed, and when one adds to this the fact that several of the persons selected and appointed to the position are known supporters and activists of the PNC or AFC and at least two of the appointees were listed candidates of the APNU+AFC for the 2015 general and regional elections, what is immediately evident is the farce and deception behind the actions of the government .

The Minister’s actions are certainly clouded by political alliance and allegiance. Undoubt-edly also, they form part of the government’s efforts to remove and to replace the public servants who held the position of REO under the administration of the PPP/C, notwithstanding the wealth of experience and the obvious non-political attachment of most of those who have been removed.

Thus the same minister and the very government that have been very critical over time of the PPP/C government’s manner of appointing REOs spared no time after assuming office to immediately remove several REOs under the pretext of their being required to take the leave due to them. Furthermore, the Minister of Communities is on record as alleging that the then REO of Region 9 “was playing an overt political role and that with a change in administration it was untenable for her to remain there.” Perhaps the Minister of Com-munities can explain to the Guyanese people if the proposed REOs of Regions 6 and 9, both of whom are overtly political and were loyal campaigners and listed candidates of the APNU+AFC for the 2015 elections met the requirement of non-political activist which he himself set.

This is undoubtedly a clever and sinister attempt to place the APNU+AFC faithful in what the governing party no doubt considers a key and critical position in order to attempt no doubt to exercise control over the administration of the Regional Democratic Councils (RDC). In particular, it represents an attempt to control those regions which the PPP/C won at the regional elections, so that the authority of the RDCs could be railroaded and the wishes of the government carried out in those regions.

May I advise readers of the fact that the RDC in each administrative region has overall responsibility for the administration of that region, and in this regard is responsible inter alia, for monitoring the expenditure of funds appropriated by the Parliament. And may I give the reminder also that the REO on whom responsibility for the execution of projects and the delivery of services in the region devolves, is accountable to the RDC. It is obviously for this reason that it is not by accident that the REO serves also as the Clerk of the RDC.

It could not be that the REO discharges his/her duties and responsibilities in an administrative region without the requirement of accounting for and reporting to the RDC on approved budgetary activities funded vide funds approved by the Parliament for the execution of programmes and projects submitted by the RDC. Furthermore, “all RDC Council-lors have a right and duty to question the propriety of any expenditure authorized by the Regional Executive Officer”. The Regional Chairman does perform duties of the council between statutory meetings where decisions taken are ratified. Add to these facts the various pieces of legislation which guide the manner in which government funds are expended, viz, the Procurement Act 2003, the Financial Management and Accountability Act, 12 of 1980. I wish to forewarn the APNU+AFC that it is not going to be easy trying to get their own way at the expense of the electorate which expressed their wish that the PPP/C continue at the helm of the RDCs in Regions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9.

We will continue to hold the APNU+AFC government accountable. The Guyanese people will be watching the REOs.


Yours faithfully,

Norman Whittaker