Ailments of the oral cavity (Continued)


so140112steveThe larynx is the organ (really a cavity) in the upper part of the windpipe (trachea) which has cartilaginous (elastic, flexible tissue) walls, and which when moved by associated muscles will vary the tension of the vocal cords, and hence the quality of the sound produced. Colloquially it is known as the “voice box”. The larynx (like the pharynx) forms part of the air passage to the lungs.

Laryngitis is the inflammation of the tissue lining the larynx.

The canal, which begins at the inside of the mouth and ends at the anus, is coated by a thin film of tissue called the mucous membrane. The larynx, which is closely associated with that canal, also has a mucous membrane lining. It is also made up of cartilage. Sometimes, the coating and the cartilage become