1763 Monument

1763 Monument Philip Moore Bronze 1975-1976 Square of the Revolution Unveiled on Sunday 23 May, 1976

Stanley Greaves: Linking Stabroek Square (the former slave market) and Independence Square is Brickdam (built with bricks and named Longchamps during the French Occupation). This sequence marks the journey between the first strike for independence by Cuffy (Kofi) in 1763 and Guyana’s independence in 1966. It is fitting, therefore, to pay some attention and respect to the 1763 Monument by Philip Moore.

Akima McPherson: Fitting too as it was unveiled during the month of May 1976. And as the nation celebrates, and some commemorate, 50 years the 1763 Monument turns 40 and the ideas it encapsulates in its layers of symbolism remain timeless. Unfortunately, because of this layering of symbolism the 1763 Monument is not understood by many Guyanese. I think the non-western aesthetic it embraces requires a point of reference for people whose aesthetic has been Westernised3.

SG: I see Philip Moore as a mystic who reveals his vision through a highly personal symbolism that has no reference to western concepts. This creates problems, as the 1763 Monument did for a general public, especially one not