The Sustainable Development Goals Part 2

Higher knowledge

20130728rawle's business pageIn the column of last week, the 17 goals for sustainable development were identified.  This week an attempt would be made to understand what those goals mean for a country like Guyana.  As the government proceeds with the development of the country, it must take account of the collective demands of the international community to achieve sustainable development.  While sustainable development is concerned with the survival of the planet, it starts with putting people in a position to protect and take care of themselves.  People destroy resources around them to survive.  At a basic level, they disturb the earth or the trees or animals to eat.  They destroy the environment to provide housing and fire to create a warm space when it is cold.  Possession of higher knowledge enables people to extract resources and live in relative comfort.  Sustaining life and development therefore starts with achieving a healthy balance between knowledge and nature.