Dancing with the devil

THINK ON THAT 3I was accused of dancing with the devil a few days ago after a post on social Facebook:

“My enlightenment began at age 17 when I started reading books written by scholars of African descent. Those books opened my eyes and gave me a view of the world that was not taught in school or in the church. I was SOMEBODY and not just a little Black girl who was a descendant of the enslaved who was destined to go through life feeling worthless. Not someone sailing through life waiting for a Saviour to come rescue me. I was my Saviour. The choices I made, the way I thought, my spiritual path would determine my destiny. At the age of 21 I made the choice to be done with organized religion. I knew then that there is no one path set out for all of us as human beings, but several paths that are there to guide us to our illumination. I was free and happy but many did not and still do not understand my path. But that is fine because I heard the music and will never stop dancing. Ase!”

I was taken aback by the accusation because my post was about