Too soon

The thought that loved ones and ultimately each of us will one-day leave this life is unsettling for many people. However, what comforts many is the idea of some hereafter. Some believe that we never stop existing but continue in the spiritual realm. There are also those who believe in the concept of reincarnation. The many stories of people who have testified that they were here before cannot be dismissed because whether we are believers or skeptics, life continues to harbour many mysteries. And many of us have had déjà vu experiences which have left us pondering.

THINK ON THAT 3Although I have known many people who have died, death still always evokes feelings of sorrow or shock. And, sometimes, there is even a feeling relief. The first time I felt relief at the passing of someone was because I had witnessed her suffering firsthand. I remember thinking a few days before it happened that it was best if she died, because the average human being should not have to endure such suffering – suffering that paralyses every feeling of happiness and hopefulness.  So yes, I was relieved when she passed but that did not mean there was no sorrow; it was a stark reminder that sooner or later, we all must go. And death does not discriminate, from the youngest baby to the oldest human being, all are at its mercy.