Region Six hire car drivers protest change in water taxi schedule

Frustrated hire car drivers from Region Six yesterday staged a protest against a change in the water taxi schedule.

The water taxis used to operate from 6am to as late as 6pm.

However, according to the new schedule, effective from yesterday, the water taxis will operate from 6am to 9am and from 2pm to 5pm.

According to the drivers, the new schedule will affect their job significantly but no reason was given to them for the change.

The hire car drivers protesting
The hire car drivers protesting

“When they cut off the flow of the boat, we as taxi and hire car drivers will not make no money. It will be very bad for us,” driver Anzelle Bristol said.

Troy Fraser, one of the angry drivers, stated that although his livelihood will suffer, he is concerned about the citizens. “We talking about better living and we vote for a change, for a better life; that what we vote for, this is not it,” he added.

He said that the school children will also suffer from the changed schedule as would pensioners who travel with the water taxi regularly. He asked, “What about pensioners? Can they afford to travel over the bridge for $300.”

When Stabroek News asked the drivers if they had considered relocating, most of them explained that relocating is not an easy task. “There are people in other areas, we want to stay right here ’cause we find our food here,” one of them said.

The drivers are pleading with the relevant authorities that the schedule be changed back at the earliest.